Eman asks: Great indeed is the one who feeds the hungry and the poor! But, who is your lord who ordered you to feed them ? Did he say he is not able to feed them? Or, did you grasp the logic of birth and death, the coming and disappearance of things. He answers himself : Certainly not! Then, where is your lord ? My, brother, why do you deceive yourself, when you take up work in the name of the lord ? Do you water the mango trees after the flowers have turned black and fallen in the mud ? Give it the water due to it and fragrance turns sweet in good time. Know that, living water is not the same as the water for life !
Eman know that too much food is cooked in palaces. It gets scattered by the wayside and chokes the drains. Only those dishes that they love most and know how to preserve do they keep. But, before long, that too decays to be dumped far away from home.
Eman says: The art of cooking is the mark of civilization. Cooked food, not eaten, goes waste. It is also a waste to feed it to the dogs, cats and birds; for, they look after themselves well. It is also a waste to feed it to the plants, for they relish ash and dung. Listen to the song:
This food is cooked for pleasure
Pleasure of the host, cook and the guests.
Their taste resides in their eyes.
Ignorance of the substance and function of food,
Of eating and the eater as well,
Thus, I understand the man on fast!
And, what do they cook for pleasure ?
Words and machines, I say.
know that many a man relish
the waste scattered by wayside!
Thus I understand this commerce of machines.
Eman says: This history is shown to be a market place, where things useful for survival find their place. Where do I find myself ? He asks: Am I the tortured rebel, the slave, the cunning middleman, the wandering trader, adventurous seafarer, marauder on galloping horses,...? Or, am I the silent blacksmith who had to repair the sword of the enemy of his king ? No, I am none of these.
Eman searches for his rebirths, in the long ancestry running through all the tyrannies, rebellions and rules of law only to find his ancestors strapped in metal chains! ... Incomprehensible!
Eman is in constant prayer and knows who should truly occupy the temple. But he built his temple in his own heart and called the space , the inner temple; Then he built a temple in a hole in the cave and called the space the outer temple, and knew the spaces to be the same! He ate the seeds for his body which he called the inner temple, and sowed the seeds in the moist earth which he called the outer temple; and knew both to be the same. Eman smiles :
The rational man has forsaken his home
In conquering the dark spaces;
I am the woman who keeps the lamp burning.
Eman saw straight through the leaping flames in the pyre of the venerable one burning on the riverbed, meditated on the light and colors now visible to him, the smell of the wood and all the qualities of things dissolving into the fire, the qualities of surroundings glowing bright, until he heard the crackle of the red coals cooling down,...now turning to ashes. He had seen all the four signs and the thought occurred to him :
Not only in the venerable one are to be found faith, energy, recollection, concentration and wisdom. How, now, if I strive to realize that doctrine whereof the venerable one says that he himself has realized by his wisdom and abides in the attainment thereof...
Eman starts drumming:
I know the river running between
Killing and Knowing the law : Things die!,
And Seeing things die,
And Seeing things dead.
I know the wall running between
Constructing and Knowing the law : Things grow!
And Seeing things grow,
And Seeing things made;
And, now I can see the wheel between
Creating and Knowing the law:Things are born!
And Seeing things born,
And Seeing things live.
Thus do I know the three gunas,
Thus do I know the three gods worshiped by the sages.
How does he know these to be the same as those worshiped by the sages? From his own condition, his own anxiety, rage, fear, success and joy, stillness and equanimity experienced in action - destroying , constructing and creating.
Thus does he comprehend the source of appearance and disappearance of things, and does not spend the morning debating the differentiations of truth discovered in the morning calm with that discovered in the tranquility of twilight, truth discovered in childhood with that discovered in old age, truth discovered in hungry stomach with that discovered by fasting and abstinence, truth discovered for happiness with that discovered by renunciation, truth discovered with the help of spirits with that discovered through meditation, and truth discovered in the east with that discovered in the west.
Eman know that too much food is cooked in palaces. It gets scattered by the wayside and chokes the drains. Only those dishes that they love most and know how to preserve do they keep. But, before long, that too decays to be dumped far away from home.
Eman says: The art of cooking is the mark of civilization. Cooked food, not eaten, goes waste. It is also a waste to feed it to the dogs, cats and birds; for, they look after themselves well. It is also a waste to feed it to the plants, for they relish ash and dung. Listen to the song:
This food is cooked for pleasure
Pleasure of the host, cook and the guests.
Their taste resides in their eyes.
Ignorance of the substance and function of food,
Of eating and the eater as well,
Thus, I understand the man on fast!
And, what do they cook for pleasure ?
Words and machines, I say.
know that many a man relish
the waste scattered by wayside!
Thus I understand this commerce of machines.
Eman says: This history is shown to be a market place, where things useful for survival find their place. Where do I find myself ? He asks: Am I the tortured rebel, the slave, the cunning middleman, the wandering trader, adventurous seafarer, marauder on galloping horses,...? Or, am I the silent blacksmith who had to repair the sword of the enemy of his king ? No, I am none of these.
Eman searches for his rebirths, in the long ancestry running through all the tyrannies, rebellions and rules of law only to find his ancestors strapped in metal chains! ... Incomprehensible!
Eman is in constant prayer and knows who should truly occupy the temple. But he built his temple in his own heart and called the space , the inner temple; Then he built a temple in a hole in the cave and called the space the outer temple, and knew the spaces to be the same! He ate the seeds for his body which he called the inner temple, and sowed the seeds in the moist earth which he called the outer temple; and knew both to be the same. Eman smiles :
The rational man has forsaken his home
In conquering the dark spaces;
I am the woman who keeps the lamp burning.
Eman saw straight through the leaping flames in the pyre of the venerable one burning on the riverbed, meditated on the light and colors now visible to him, the smell of the wood and all the qualities of things dissolving into the fire, the qualities of surroundings glowing bright, until he heard the crackle of the red coals cooling down,...now turning to ashes. He had seen all the four signs and the thought occurred to him :
Not only in the venerable one are to be found faith, energy, recollection, concentration and wisdom. How, now, if I strive to realize that doctrine whereof the venerable one says that he himself has realized by his wisdom and abides in the attainment thereof...
Eman starts drumming:
I know the river running between
Killing and Knowing the law : Things die!,
And Seeing things die,
And Seeing things dead.
I know the wall running between
Constructing and Knowing the law : Things grow!
And Seeing things grow,
And Seeing things made;
And, now I can see the wheel between
Creating and Knowing the law:Things are born!
And Seeing things born,
And Seeing things live.
Thus do I know the three gunas,
Thus do I know the three gods worshiped by the sages.
How does he know these to be the same as those worshiped by the sages? From his own condition, his own anxiety, rage, fear, success and joy, stillness and equanimity experienced in action - destroying , constructing and creating.
Thus does he comprehend the source of appearance and disappearance of things, and does not spend the morning debating the differentiations of truth discovered in the morning calm with that discovered in the tranquility of twilight, truth discovered in childhood with that discovered in old age, truth discovered in hungry stomach with that discovered by fasting and abstinence, truth discovered for happiness with that discovered by renunciation, truth discovered with the help of spirits with that discovered through meditation, and truth discovered in the east with that discovered in the west.
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